Thursday, December 9, 2010

Minecraft = Sheer epic awesomeness with sprinkless on top


So I have been hearing of a game called "Minecraft" and was a bit skeptic. So true to my nature I shunned all reviews and criticism and tried it myself.

To say the least I was suprised at how fun the game word which most gaming companies seemed to forget.

Installation was easy and the game loads relatively quickly. You have to login once so that your world can generate and after this you can play offline.

I'll give you a diary entry of my first day with minecraft with a few screenshots of the world and whats its about.

My world loads and Sam (my char) starts off on a sandy beach with wave sounds hitting my ears (yes this game has sound oooh aaaah). Trees were everywhere and a nice big mountain could be seen NW of my location (with white soft blocky hard edged clouds wafting by)

I didnt take the time to look however as rumors about things attacking you at night kept flashing into my mind (thanks friends/forums) so I instantly ran to a tree and...didnt know what to do! I mean all I had we're my bare manly masculine hands which...wait maybe I can punch the tree into telling me what to do!

Violence 1 Peacefull approach 0

After punching the tree i noticed it started to crack and produced a log cube. I walked over it and Sam picked it up. Great!Now I have a log cube to hit other trees with (saving my manly hands for rock cubes later).

I walked into a forest to get to my destination (NW mountain) and got scared senseless when a white cube with yellow feet jumped out of nowhere. I was ready to strike but noticed it was a chicken...a chicken?!?!...bahahahaha Sam laughed (me too) and I told myself I was being silly. The fear instilled by friends about the night time and monsters skulking around was still in the back of my head so I walked around the chicken (who knows what this crazy game would do...exploding chickens??)

Clearing a forest trail with my log cube I reached the mountain. It was awesome. A small pond was nearby, a few sheep and cows we're grazing and the potentially exploding chicken was pecking at the ground.

I started hacking away at trees and created my first 3x5x5 cabin. As I was inside admiring my small shelter I noticed the sky getting darker and the animals dissapearing. Pfff I said as I laid my other wooden cube,monsters smonchters. As I said this however a small green thing with a frowny face jumped over a cliff nearby,then another and another. Sam was scared shi*less and me as well.

The things start hopping towards you as they make this "ssssssss" noise (they explode btw as I found out later int he game). I closed the last cube inside my shelter and sat in the dark. I cannot describe how scary I made the game for myself since I have an active imagination and you can hear random "ssssss" noises and groans from zombies (yes zombies!!!!)

I heard a few explosions and after a few minutes of silence I convinced myself (nervously) that I should look whats going on outside. I hacked away at a piece of wood for a window and saw weird pillars of light attacking the monsters (Still have to confirm if they are on my side or not).

The sun steadily rose and I could see some of the animals returning...thanks goodness I made a shelter. My fisrt night in Minecraft was scary as hell (but insanely fun)

Just some examples of what a few players have built in minecraft already

The above image is a beautiful castle constructed by 10-15 people

Minecraftwiki also has some great examples and descriptions of the game.

Go to to play this online browser game (can be played offline once you have connected the first time)

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